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Anda disini : Beranda - Project - The Conservation of Song Birds on Around the Merapi Merbabu Manoreh Biosphere Reserve
The Conservation of Song Birds on Around the Merapi Merbabu Manoreh Biosphere Reserve
The Menoreh Hills area, especially in the agroforestry area, is one of the habitats for various types of song birds, Zosterops melanurus, Cyornis banyumas, Aethopyga sperata, Rubigula dispar and Alophoixus bres. For example, only in Jatimulyo village can you find at least 99 bird species or 25% of the bird species in Yogyakarta. The awareness of the people of Jatimulyo has grown to preserve the diversity of birds in nature and is strengthened by the Village Regulation, so that now Jatimulyo is known as a bird-friendly village. In many other locations in the Menoreh hills, bird diversity is not inferior to Jatimulyo, but there is still a threat of hunting in these villages. Therefore, it is important to encourage other villages in the Menoreh area to follow in the footsteps of Jatimulyo Village to become a bird-friendly village.
The development of this bird-friendly area is in line with the stipulation of the Menoreh area together with Mount Merapi National Park and Mount Merbabu National Park as one of the biosphere reserves in Indonesia by UNESCO in 2020. In managing the biosphere reserve, management includes the potential for biodiversity, biogeography, and culture in this area as a whole. harmony and sustainability. In terms of sustainability, the management of bird-friendly areas must be carried out upstream and downstream, namely strengthening community capacity to utilize and protect natural resources and biodiversity for sustainable livelihoods in upstream areas, as well as education and understanding in downstream areas to support management activities in upstream areas.
The COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on everything, including the implementation of community development activities in the Target Village. Implementation of activities by implementing health protocols, starting from site screening regarding the conditions and policies of the target village. Furthermore, ensuring the spacious staff goes through a health check through a PCR test.Coordination with the village that is the target of the program is an important first step in the activity.
Our partners from the community, university and academics, government sector, private sector, and NGOs