Optimizing community based bird nest adoption to conserve threatened songbird species in agroforestry area, Menoreh landscape java Island Indonesia

Okt 2022
Kategori :
Penulis : kanopi_indonesia
Dilihat :548x

The songbird nest adoption program emerged from the implementation process of Jatimulyo village regulation no. 8 of 2014. There are many challenges in awareness and community involvement. To support the songbird nest adoption program, especially for target birds that are included in the Asian songbird crisis list, Yayasan Kanopi Indonesia and KTH Wanapaksi supported by Zoologische Gesellschaft für Arten- und Populationsschutz – ZGAP make the program to optimizing community-based bird nest adoption to conserve threatened songbird species in agroforestry area, Menoreh landscape Java Island Indonesia.

The activities we carry out are strengthening Community Groups to Carry out Observation and Monitoring of Laying Birds that are safe and in accordance with adoption procedures.










The next activity is to invite the community to monitor nests and capture target bird nesting habitats.